<< 点击显示目录 >> 主页 PVI通信 > PVI帮助信息 > PVI Services > BR.AN.Namespace > BR.AN.PviServices > Action Enumeration |
Describes the action type from an event
[Visual Basic]
Public Enum Action
public enum Action
Member Name |
Description |
This flag indicates, that error will not be reported to the clien application for a specific method. |
DoNotReportErrors |
This flag indicates, that error will not be reported to the clien application for a specific method. |
ConnectedEvent |
Connected event |
DisconnectedEvent |
Disconnected event |
ErrorEvent |
Error event |
StatusEvent |
Status event |
ObjectRemoved |
Object removed |
DeleteObject |
Object deleted |
LinkObject |
Object link |
UnLinkObject |
Object link |
Read |
Read access to an object. (Type of read is not known; used when canceling an read request) |
Write |
Object link |
Error |
Object error information |
UserTag |
Object user tag information |
ServiceDisconnectPOSTMSG |
Service connect |
ServiceLink |
Service connect |
ServiceEvent |
Service connect |
ServiceConnect |
Service connect |
ServiceDisconnect |
Service disconnect |
ServiceArrange |
Service disconnect |
LicenceInfoUpdate |
The license info of the sevice object has changed. |
ServiceReadVersion |
Get the version of the PVI object. |
ServiceReadLinesList |
Get the list of lines. |
ServiceLinkVariable |
Get the list of PVI internal variables. |
ServiceLinkLine |
Create a line link object. |
ServiceReadDevicesList |
Get the list of devices. |
ServiceLinkDevice |
Create a device link object. |
ServiceReadStationsList |
Get the list of stations. |
ServiceLinkStation |
Create a station link object. |
ServiceReadCpuList |
Get the list of cpus. |
ServiceLinkCpu |
Create a cpu link object. |
CpuReadTasksList |
Get the list of tasks. |
CpuLinkTask |
Create a task link object. |
CpuReadVariableList |
Create a cpu variable link object. |
CpuLinkVariable |
Create a cpu variable link object. |
CpuLinkModule |
Create a module link object. |
TaskReadVariablesList |
Get the list of task variables. |
TaskLinkVariable |
Create a task variable link object. |
LineConnect |
Connect for the Pvi LINE object. |
DeviceConnect |
Cconnect for the Pvi DEVICE object. |
StationConnect |
Connect for the Pvi STATION object. |
CpuConnect |
Cpu connect |
CpuDisconnect |
Cpu disconnect |
CpuStart |
Cpu start |
CpuStop |
Cpu stop |
CpuWarmRestart |
Cpu warmrestart |
CpuColdRestart |
Cpu coldrestart |
CpuRestart |
Cpu restart |
CpuDiagnostics |
Cpu diagnostics |
CpuModulesUpload |
Cpu modules upload |
CpuTasksUpload |
Cpu tasks upload |
CpuVariablesUpload |
Cpu variables upload |
CpuReadTime |
Reads the date and time of the Cpu object |
CpuWriteTime |
Writes the date and time of the Cpu object |
CpuTTService |
Reads a TTService from the plc |
CpuWriteSavePath |
Sets the save path of the Cpu object |
CpuReadSavePath |
Reads the save path of the Cpu object |
CpuChangeConnection |
Change the connection of the Cpu object |
CpuStatus |
Change the status of the Cpu object |
CpuModuleDelete |
Delete the module from the PLC. |
CpuReadPhysicalMemory |
Read data from a physical PLC address. |
CpuWritePhysicalMemory |
Write data to a physical PLC address. |
CpuGlobalForceOFF |
Sets the global force state to OFF. |
CpuExtendedInfoTOC |
Gets the extended CPU info for TOC. |
ReadError |
Reads the error log book for the Cpu object. Only valid for SG3 targets up to OS version A2.85. |
ReadErrorToFile |
Reads the error log book for the Cpu object and saves the binary data to a file. Only valid for SG3 targets up to OS version A2.85. |
ResolveNodeNumber |
BRC_ACC_COMM_DST Read the destination properties for an existing TCPIP connection. |
ModuleConnect |
Module connect |
ModuleDisconnect |
Module disconnect |
ModuleStart |
Module start |
ModuleStop |
Module stop |
ModuleDelete |
Module delete |
ModuleUpload |
Module upload |
ModuleDownload |
Module download |
ModuleInfo |
Module info |
ModuleChangeConnection |
Change the connection of the object |
ModuleState |
State change event. |
ModuleResume |
State change event. |
ModuleRunCycleForResume |
Helper to implement set cycle to zero befor resume. |
ModuleProgressEvent |
Module uploadprogress event |
ModuleCreatedEvent |
Module created event |
ModuleChangedEvent |
Module changed event |
ModuleDeletedEvent |
Module deleted event |
TaskConnect |
Task connect |
TaskDisconnect |
Task disconnect |
TaskStart |
Task start |
TaskStop |
Task stop |
TaskRunCycle |
Task run cycle |
TaskDelete |
Task delete |
TaskUpload |
Task upload |
TaskVariablesUploaded |
Task-variables uploaded |
TaskChangeConnection |
Change the connection of the object |
TaskRunCycleForResume |
Helper to start task |
TaskInfo |
Helper to get task info |
TaskRegisterTPs |
Register trace variables |
TaskUnregisterTPs |
Unregister trace variables |
TaskReadTPsData |
Read the data for the trace variables |
TaskReadModuleList |
Reads the module list for the tasks |
TaskCreatedEvent |
Task created event |
TaskChangedEvent |
Task changed event |
TaskDeletedEvent |
Task deleted event |
CpuReadObjectList |
Reads the object list from the target |
ObjectUploading |
AR object is about to be transfered from target.(proceeding info) |
ObjectUploaded |
AR object has been uploaded from the target |
TaskUploadProgressEvent |
Task uploadprogress event |
VariableConnect |
Variable connect |
VariableDisconnect |
Variable disconnect |
VariableActivate |
Variable activate |
VariableDeactivate |
Variable deactivate |
VariableValueRead |
Variablevalue read |
VariableValueWrite |
Variablevalue write |
VariableGetForce |
Variable get force |
VariableSetForce |
Variable set force |
VariableGetType |
Variable get type |
VariableSetType |
Variable set type |
VariableGetRefreshTime |
Variable get refreshtime |
VariableSetRefreshTime |
Variable set refreshtime |
VariableGetHysteresis |
Variable get hysteresis |
VariableSetHysteresis |
Variable set hysteresis |
VariableSetFunction |
Variable function |
VariableExtendedTypeInfoRead |
Variable initial value read |
VariableValueChangedEvent |
Variable value changed Event |
VariableAccessTypeChange |
Variable access type change |
VariablePollingPropertyChange |
Variable polling property change |
VariableScalingChange |
Variable scaling change |
VariableSetUserTag |
Variable user tag |
VariableEVMaskChange |
Variable event mask |
VariableWriteInitialValue |
Write init value for variable |
VariableReadState |
Read the state value for variable |
VariableChangeConnection |
Change the connection of the object |
VariableFormatChanged |
The variables data typ information has changed. |
VariablesConnect |
Variable collection connect |
VariablesDisconnect |
Variable collection disconnect |
VariablesActivate |
Variable collection activate |
VariablesDeactivate |
Variable collection deactivate |
TasksConnect |
Tasks connect |
TasksDisconnect |
Task collection disconnect |
TasksActivate |
Task collection activate |
TasksDeactivate |
Task collection deactivate |
LogicalsConnect |
Logical object collection connect |
LogicalsDisconnect |
Logical object collection disconnect |
LogicalsActivate |
Logical object collection activate |
LogicalsDeactivate |
Logical object collection deactivate |
MemoriesUpload |
Memorie collection upload |
VariablesUpload |
Variable collection upload |
TasksUpload |
Task collection upload |
ModulesUpload |
Module collection upload |
TaskClassesUpload |
Taskclass collection upload |
ClearMemory |
Clear memory on the target. |
LinkNodesUpload |
For internal use only |
VariablesSetRefreshTime |
Set refreshtime for variable collection |
LoggersUpload |
Logger collection upload |
CpuReadModuleList |
Reads the module list for the cpu |
LoggersConnect |
Loggers connect |
LoggerReadModuleList |
Reads the module list for the loggers |
VariableUnlink |
Variable unlink request |
VariableRead |
Variable read |
VariableWrite |
Variable write |
VariableUpload |
Variable upload (Datatype structure) |
VariableLink |
Variable link |
CpuUploadInfo |
Cpu info upload |
CpuEvent |
Cpu event |
CpuLink |
Cpu link |
TaskEvent |
Task event |
TaskLink |
Task link |
ModuleEvent |
Module event |
ModuleLink |
Module link |
VariableInternLink |
For internal use only |
VariableInternUnlink |
For internal use only |
VariableInternFormat |
For internal use only |
CpuUploadHWInfo |
For internal use only |
CpuReadRedundancyInfo |
rednundancy info read |
CpuSwitchActiveCpu |
active CPU changed |
CpuSynchronizeApplication |
application synchronization completed |
CpuReadExtenedInfo |
Read the extended CPU info (at the moment only TOC is supported) |
CpuReadMemoryInfo |
Read the memory info as XML string (supported by ANSL only) |
CpuReadHardwareInfo |
Read the hardware info as XML string (supported by ANSL only) |
CpuEventRedundancyInfo |
rednundancy info changed |
CpuReadApplicationInfo |
application info as XML string (supported by ANSL only) |
CpuXMLCommand |
command data as XML string (supported by ANSL only) |
CpuEventBondInfo |
bond info changed |
CpuEventLicnenseInfo |
license info changed (e.g. dongle dis/connected) |
LogBookSnapshotReadPlcInfos |
CPU info requests for LogBookPackage Snapshot update |
LIC_GetStatus |
Get Lic Status |
LinkNodeList |
For internal use only |
IODataPointConnect |
For internal use only |
IODataPointDisconnect |
For internal use only |
IOFDataPointConnect |
For internal use only |
IOFDataPointDisconnect |
For internal use only |
IODataPointForceOn |
For internal use only |
IODataPointForceOff |
For internal use only |
IODataPointValueRead |
For internal use only |
IODataPointValueWrite |
For internal use only |
VariablesDataValid |
Variables memory |
IOPDataPointConnect |
For internal use only |
IOPDataPointDisconnect |
For internal use only |
PhysicalValueChangedEvent |
For internal use only |
ForceValueChangedEvent |
For internal use only |
VariablesValuesWrite |
Variables value write |
VariablesValuesRead |
Variables value read |
CpusConnect |
Cpus connect |
CpusDisconnect |
Cpus disconnect |
CpusRestart |
Cpus restart |
ModulesDownload |
Modules download |
ModulesConnect |
Modules connect |
ModulesDisconnect |
Modules disconnect |
TasksDownload |
Tasks download |
LoggerRead |
Read the logger entries. |
LoggerReadEntry |
Read one entry. |
LoggerContinuousActivate |
Activate the continuous logger update. |
LoggerContinuousDeactivate |
Deactivate the continuous logger update. |
LoggerReadBlock |
Read a specified block of logger entries. |
LoggerClear |
Do some cleanup. |
LoggerReadStatus |
Read the status of the logger module. |
LoggerIndexForRead |
The index for the read access. |
LoggerIndexForConnect |
The index for the connection |
LoggerConnect |
Connect the logger module for the communication |
LoggerGlobalAdded |
Add the logger to the global collection. |
LoggerGlobalRemoved |
Remove the logger from the global collection. |
LoggerReadBlockForAdded |
Read |
LoggerIndexForUpdate |
Read the logger entries for an update. |
LoggerReadEntryForCompare |
Read the specified logger entry for comparision purpose. |
LoggerIndexForContinuousActivated |
The index for the read access after continuous activate. |
LoggerDetectSGType |
Detect the type of logger module (SG3 and SGC have onle the ErrorLogBook SG4 targets can have more logger modules). |
LoggerGetStatus |
Detect the status of the $arlogsys module. |
LoggerDelete |
Delete logger module. |
LoggerDisconnect |
Delete logger module. |
LoggerUpload |
Upload logger module. |
LoggerCreatedEvent |
Logger created event |
LoggerChangedEvent |
Logger changed event |
LoggerDeletedEvent |
Logger deleted event |
LoggerINFORead |
Logger INFO read |
TracePointConnect |
Connect TracePoint. |
TracePointDisConnect |
Disconnect TracePoint. |
TracePointDataChanged |
TracePoint data has changed. |
ProfilerExtendedStart |
Install B&R Profiler definition module and start measurement (obsolete for version 4) |
ProfilerStart |
Start B&R Profiler measurement |
ProfilerStop |
Stop B&R Profiler measurement |
ProfilerInstall |
Install B&R Profiler definition module |
ProfilerDeinstall |
Deinstall B&R Profiler modules |
ProfilerGetStack |
Start stack measurement only (obsolete for version 4) |
ProfilerGetInfo |
Get B&R Profiler Information from target |
ProfilerDefault |
Install B&R Profiler default definition module and start measurement (version 4 only) |
ProfilerReadState |
1008 Read the profiler status. |
Cancel |
1100 abort the active process. |
LibraryConnect |
1198 request a connect for the library.. |
LibraryDisconnect |
1199 request a disconnect for the library.. |
LibraryUpload |
1200 request a upload for the library.. |
LibFunctionsUpload |
1201 upload the library functions. |
LibrariesUpload |
1202 request a upload for the library collection. |
LibrariesConnect |
1203 request a connect for the library collection. |
LibrariesDisconnect |
1204 request a disconnect for the library collection. |
ChangeConnection |
1300 change the connection. |
SNMPListStations |
Get the listz of all available MAC addresses. |
SNMPListGlobalVariables |
Get the list of all available global SNMP variables. Variables which do not belong to a MAC address. |
SNMPListLocalVariables |
Get the list of all available local variables. Variables which belong to a MAC address. |
SNMPConnectLine |
Create teh PVI line object. |
SNMPConnectDevice |
Create teh PVI device object. |
SNMPConnectStation |
Create the PVI station object. |
SNMPConnectVariable |
Create the PVI variable object. |
VariableReadFormatInternal |
Helper for Reading format information. |
Namespace: BR.AN.PviServices
Assembly: BR.AN.PviServices (in BR.AN.PviServices.dll)
Generated from assembly BR.AN.PviServices []