<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: »No topics above this level« ANSLTcp.SSLConfiguration Property |
Gets or sets the SSL configuration path or the name of the DEFAULT configuration. Use "Default SSL Configuration" if you have no SSL configuration but still want to use secure tcp communication.
[Visual Basic]
<PviCpuParameter> _
<PviKeyWord(PviKeyWord:=""/TLS"")> _
Public Property SSLConfiguration() As String
Public Get
End Get
Public Set
End Set
End Property
public string SSLConfiguration { public get; public set; }
The communication layer uses hardcoded search directories relativ to the configuration directory: ..\OwnCertificates\Certificates\ ....... location of the certificates ..\OwnCertificates\PrivateKeys\ ........ location of the private key file the folowing directories are optional!!! ..\CertificateRevocationLists\ .......... optional (for the revocation list) ..\ThirdPartyCertificates\ .............. optional (third party certificates)
ANSLTcp Class | BR.AN.PviServices Namespace
Generated from assembly BR.AN.PviServices []