Cpu.GetLicenseContext Method

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Cpu.GetLicenseContext Method

BR.AN.PviServices .NET

Reads the ontext data for a specified serial number using the set box mask and the defined firm- codes.

Overload List

Reads the ontext data for a specified serial number using the set box mask and the defined firm- codes.

public int GetLicenseContext(string,string,string,ref string)

Reads the ontext data for a specified serial number using the set box mask and the defined firm- codes.

public int GetLicenseContext(string,string,string[],ref string)

See Also

Cpu Class | BR.AN.PviServices Namespace

Generated from assembly BR.AN.PviServices []

Topics in this section:

Cpu.GetLicenseContext(String, String, String, String) Method

Cpu.GetLicenseContext(String, String, String[], String) Method