<< 点击显示目录 >> 主页 PVI通信 > PVI帮助信息 > PVI Services > BR.AN.Namespace > BR.AN.PviServices > Service Class > Service Properties > Service.MessageLimitation Property |
Limit on user messages. Default: "LM=1" for W32 and W64 zero for CF. PVICOM applications basically do not need to change the default setting of this parameter. However, if an application is able to respond quickly to PVICOM user messages, then a higher limit value ("LM=100", "LM=1000") or turning off the limiting ("LM=0") can speed up user message execution. See the User Message Operations section for more information about this parameter.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property MessageLimitation() As Integer
Public Get
End Get
Public Set
End Set
End Property
public int MessageLimitation { public get; public set; }
MessageLimitation: 1 - 65535, less or equal to 0 -> No limiting.
Service Class | BR.AN.PviServices Namespace
Generated from assembly BR.AN.PviServices []