SNMPCollectionBase Properties

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SNMPCollectionBase Properties

BR.AN.PviServices .NET

The properties of the SNMPCollectionBase class are listed below. For a complete list of SNMPCollectionBase class members, see the SNMPCollectionBase Members topic.

Public Instance Properties


Gets the number of items of the collection.


Gets a value indicating whether access to the Hashtable is synchronized (thread-safe).


Gets the keys of the collection.


Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the System.Collections.Hashtable.


Gets the values of the collection.

See Also

SNMPCollectionBase Class | BR.AN.PviServices Namespace

Generated from assembly BR.AN.PviServices []

Topics in this section:

SNMPCollectionBase.Count Property

SNMPCollectionBase.IsSynchronized Property

SNMPCollectionBase.Keys Property

SNMPCollectionBase.SyncRoot Property

SNMPCollectionBase.Values Property