<< 点击显示目录 >> 主页 PVI通信 > PVI帮助信息 > PVI Services > BR.AN.Namespace > BR.AN.PviServices > Variable Class > Variable Properties > Variable.BitOffset Property |
The offset used for bitwise access to the variable. This parameter equals the Pvi VA parameter. Variable addressing. Default: -1 No variable addressing Using variable addressing, link objects can address subsets from the process data of a variable object. Bit addressing: With bit addressing, an individual bit is defined an integer variable. In the link object, the data format of the single variable or array must be defined with variable type Boolean (VT=boolean) or to a type which can be converted to Boolean. The variable object must have variable type Integer (signed or unsigned). The bit number is specified with the VA parameter. The bit number begins with 0 at the lowest valued bit. Example: "VT=boolean VA=2" - addresses Bit 2. If the variable object is an array of Integers, then a Boolean array can also be defined in the link object. Bit addressing is then carried out for each individual array.
[Visual Basic]
Public Property BitOffset() As Integer
Public Get
End Get
Public Set
End Set
End Property
public int BitOffset { public get; public set; }
Variable Class | BR.AN.PviServices Namespace
Generated from assembly BR.AN.PviServices []