NET2000 communication

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NET2000 communication

NET2000 is a master/slave protocol where the PVI NET2000 line carries out the functions of the master.

A multi-master function is not possible via the NET2000 protocol.

Identifying variables using NET2000 requests is carried out during the idle time by the PLC. NET2000 requests for reading and writing variable data are executed in a defined task class (NET2000.task_class). This enables the response time to be influenced by the selected task class.

A NET2000 communication connection doesn't provide life sign monitoring. If the NET2000 line is not requesting any data from the PLC (e.g. if there are no active variable objects present), then the existence of the NET2000 communication connection cannot be monitored.

General PC requirements

The NET2000 line can be operated on the following platforms:

Windows platform


Windows 7 or higher


Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista

No verification for Windows NT/2000 in PVI V4.0 or higher.

Windows CE

No longer supported in PVI V3.0.3 and higher

General PLC requirements

PLC operating system V2.20 or higher is needed for NET2000 communication.

In addition, a NET2000 slave driver is needed on the PLC (NET2000 library).

Topics in this section:

Serial communication

Modem communication

LS251 communication