ADI variable objects

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ADI variable objects

An ADI variable object represents an object in the ADI. The connection name of the variable object corresponds to the name of the ADI variable. The ADI line supports predefined variable names for various devices.

These are not case sensitive.

The data format of the variable object is given by the ADI line and cannot be influenced by the user.

Syntax of connection description:

Single and array variables:




Element of an array variable:

/RO=<variable name>[<index>]


<variable name>[<index>]

If the variable name is defined as the /RO parameter, the connection description must always be specified in quotation marks ("...") in the object description.

Connection description examples:


Access time:

If many variables should be read, then short refresh rates (RF) for these variables should be specified which can react quickly to data changes (e.g. keys). All other variables should be read with high refresh rates.

Predefined variable names

Variable names for PC devices

Variable names for panel devices

Variable names for UPS devices

Variable names for CPU devices

Variable names for memory devices

Variable names for IF devices

Variable names for I/O devices

Variable names for bus devices

Variable names for fan devices

Variable names for drive devices

Variable names for link devices